Early morning, I went for tuition till noon. When I arrived, I felt surprise because a lot of scout doing their duty while some guests loitering around the school. I started to do my duty that is Grand Owl with Grand Owlets, my two partners.. Feel very excited on this date.. Sure in my memory for the rest of my life..

At evening when guests starting arrive, all sections have ready.. For me, I quite tension because this is the second time I be MC..First time in Kem Kepimpinan. Quite funny..
I heard some friends said that our camp fire better than others school but this is my first time participating camp fire and first time making it.. Happy because quite successful ( I think)..
After all hard work at least get some praising from others scouts..
After the camp fire ends, my friends and I overnight at school to clean up the mess.. ( full of rubbish and have to rearrange the bench, tables and chairs..
That's all here, hope to make another camp fire next year due to Owl scouts 50th anniversary..